What we covered at the improve how you walk and run workshop
On Sunday I as joined by Verity Bell (gait and breath expert) for a workshop on how standing movements can improve how we walk and run. The session was split into two: a movement section to hone in on where our individual bodies were at, and to work through alignment and lower body strength. This was followed by a demonstration from Verity on where to put weight on our feet and a Q&A where we both took questions.
We covered bunions, hip pain, changing which leg you walk with to improve hip pain, why it matters where you look, ways to remember to do the moves, the importance of acquainting yourself with your feet, and more.
My view on this stuff is that the more targeted movement you do to improve your alignment, strength and flexibility when not walking/running, the less you have to think about how you move when out and about.
The video above shows some of the movements we covered. I am about to record a 10min daily video you can do before walking/running, and also a video that will help with bunions. Interested?