Client Focus: WWF

Last week Kerrie-Anne was delighted to work with World Wildlife Fund UK (WWF UK) the world’s leading conservation organisation, helping protect endangered species and spaces, and protect global threats to the planet in over 100 countries around the world.

It was a great way for PAYD to start the new year with this being the first workshop of 2023. In this workshop, Kerrie-Anne accommodated for both desk bound and non desk bound WWF UK employees by teaching some tension-busting and energising seated and standing moves such as such as sitting and standing well.

Along with this workshop, WWF has opted to invest in their employees wellbeing by signing up for a programme of 10 workshops and a full day of postural assessments in person at their offices. Read below to find out what these sessions include.

A programme of 10 workshops

Each workshop will have a different focus to help desk bound and non-desk bound employees to reduce aches, pains, anxiety, stress and more.

  1. Energising

  2. Stress Reducing

  3. Mood Boosting

  4. Reduce Back Pain

  5. Reduce shoulder and neck tension

  6. Happy hips

  7. Breath-led moves

  8. Standing moves at your desk

  9. Move your spine

  10. Full body seated moves

Postural assessments in the office

Individuals within your team can sign up for a postural assessment with Kerrie-Anne with recommendations and bespoke movements to take away. Each session is for 15 minutes, delivered in person or online and can focus on:

Any desk-linked aches and pains

Posture and other bespoke movements to suit the individuals needs

Want to find out more about PAYD’s corporate wellness services?


3 tips for tackling back pain

