PAYD Tips When Travelling On A Plane

Here are our top tips for you to do before, during and after travelling.

Move before you leave your house

Mobilising and gently strengthening your body before travelling is great. Focusing on leg movements for strength, especially if you're taking a long flight. Here are some ways you can move your legs before leaving your house.

Move while you wait to board

Simple standing movements like squats, lunges, heel raises, and wiggling around are all great options. Remember, walking through the airport counts too!

Move during your flight

Try to get up and move around the plane every 30mins-1h. You could also move while seating and in this Instagram post you’ll find some suggestions on how you can do this.

Move after your flight and take some big breaths

Gentle stretches and wiggles are great after a flight. Big breaths too. You can find lots of options for both of this over on the MAYD platform.


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