If you have any concerns at all over your physical condition before taking part in any Move At Your Desk movement live or pre-recorded video session, or workshop (β€œMAYD sessions”), please first speak to a medical practitioner to check that it is ok to participate in a movement class.

You must notify us of any injury or condition that could be affected by movement before taking part in MAYD sessions by emailing info@moveatyourdesk.com at least 24 hours prior to your participation in MAYD sessions.

By participating in MAYD sessions you confirm that you have no health problems which may affect your participation in movement.

All of the movements in MAYD sessions are safe and you must follow instructions given during MAYD sessions.

By participating in MAYD sessions you accept the risk of injury from performing movements. Pilates At Your Desk LLP accepts no liability for injury to you, except in so far as such injury is by law incapable of exclusion.

If you are pregnant you are welcome to join the seated and standing movement sessions and workshops, but please notify us that you are pregnant before participating in these sessions. Please email info@moveatyourdesk.com to do this.